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Edited by Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Susanne Prinz, Julie Westerman


Over a period of eighteen months a selected group of international artists and writers focused their attention on Tegel Airport. They observed how it is used, they engaged in new activities and imagined how the building might function in the future. This book and DVD is the outcome of what might be described as an open-ended enquiry and, as such, embodies new perspectives and approaches to the problem of urban renewal, regeneration, social organisation, mobility and the legacy of modernist architecture. This approach to site is central to imagining how art practice can slow down, re-orientate and redefine the successive cycle of masterplans and regeneration schemes so that we can begin to consider what is at stake in the spaces that we occupy

Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Susanne Prinz , Julie Westerman


96 pages

100 illustrations

165 x 240 mm

Softcover, thread binding, flaps

Incl. DVD with 27 short films


Copy Editor: John X. Berger
Graphic design: Anja Lutz // Book
Design Reproductions: Johann Hausstaetter,


Inside Cover: 
Historic images of the Aero-nautisches Observatorium located in Tegel from 1900 to 1905 before its move to Lindenberg, Brandenburg. Archive of Metereologisches Observatorium Lindenberg/DWD and Wettermuseum Lindenberg. 


Published by:
The Green Box
Kunst Editionen, Berlin

ISBN: 978-3-941644-59-5 Printed in Germany



Available from


© 2013 Text and images: the authors and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted save with the written permission from the publishers or in accordance with the provision of the Copyright, Designs and Pat-ents Act 1988.

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